about the project

An international company specialising in handmade children’s felt gifts approached chilliapple to build an appealing online store on Shopify. With workshops across England, Switzerland, New Zealand, and other countries,

Business Requirements

An international company specialising in handmade children’s felt gifts approached chilliapple to build an appealing online store on Shopify. With workshops across England, Switzerland, New Zealand, and other countries, the company creates a variety of products including puppets, homeware items, slippers, and other miniature goods. They sought a modern eCommerce store to streamline multiple business operations such as inventory management, sales tracking, and revenue analysis.

chilliapple's Solution

chilliapple began the project with an in-depth consultation to establish clear project goals. As an official Shopify agency, chilliapple selected a suitable theme for the eCommerce company and tailored it to align with their brand identity and customer requirements.

Key Steps:

  1. Navigation and Usability: chilliapple ensured smooth navigation to encourage website visitors to shop seamlessly from the digital store to achieve KPIs to increase average order value & conversion rate. The design of various store pages was shared with and approved by the client before development commenced.
  2. Membership App Creation: chilliapple developed a membership Shopify app to enhance customer engagement and loyalty.
  3. Website Performance and Optimisation: chilliapple prioritised website performance by creating a comprehensive strategy to enhance Google Core Web Vitals, which are critical for SEO and user experience. This included:
    • Improving Loading Times: By optimising images, leveraging browser caching, and minimising JavaScript and CSS, chilliapple reduced the load time of the Shopify website.
    • Enhancing Interactivity: chilliapple implemented lazy loading and efficient code splitting to ensure that the website remained highly interactive, even with large inventories.
    • Stability: chilliapple ensured visual stability by using fixed dimensions for media and avoiding layout shifts, which is crucial for a smooth browsing experience.
  4. Server Deployment: Considering the company’s international presence, chilliapple launched the online store across servers in the US and UK. The stores were rigorously tested on a staging server to ensure smooth functionality before the actual launch.


The project was delivered on time, incorporating all the features requested by the client. Their eCommerce Shopify website is user-friendly and simplifies sales management. The store merchant finds it easy to upload and manage inventory. chilliapple partnered with this brand to provide ongoing support & consultancy to ensure their ambitious Shopify store continued on its path of long-term growth.

Technology used

The finished product