Face to Face Meetings Resume…Safely.

Face to Face Meetings Resume…Safely.

Now that England has moved to Step 4 of the COVID-19 Roadmap, chilliapple staff are available for face-to-face meetings – but only if clients feel it is safe to do so.

To reassure our customers, we will continue to observe the ‘Hands, Face, Space’ measures within our offices for the foreseeable future. Should any guest prefer us to wear masks when seated, then that’s perfectly fine too. We are also still offering an ‘elbow bump’ as an alternative to the traditional handshake when we greet you!

If any of our clients prefer to continue to meet virtually, then that also works for us. Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams, Webex… whichever software that suits you best.

It is likely that in the future, chilliapple will offer a hybrid solution to meetings. Clearly, initial ‘chemistry’ meetings are difficult if carried out via computer screens but once the client-agency relationship has been established, face-to-face meetings may not always be necessary (although we would still be happy to host the occasional lunch meeting to say ‘thank you’ to our lovely loyal customers…).

Whatever keeps our clients safe and comfortable, chilliapple is ready for all options!

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